Sunday, November 30, 2008

OSD600 Lab 11 and 0.3 Update

Alright, first thing's first...

OSD600 Lab:

Another "Create an extension" lab. Been doing this stuff for a while, so it was fairly easy. Got it working quite quickly. Link to my XPI file:

I must say, this was another good extensions lab. The walk through was straight forward, the basics were explained quite thoroughly, and reference guides were littered through out the explanation. If only we had done this lab at the beginning of the course... sigh... oh well... :(

0.3 Update:

Sadly I didn't make a legion of blog posts like I said I was going to do this week. Reason being is simply because I was making good progress and really didn't have too many things to complain about. Chances are I shouldn't really be complaining in my blog posts, but let's face it... it's what I do. Just ask David Humphrey, he'll back me up on this.

One thing I would like to mention though is that I've completely scrapped javascript inheritance for this. It was mentioned to me that I should be taking another route to get Ubiquity to work under both Firefox and Thunderbird. I decided to take that advice and move in another direction.

Good news though! I'm really close to eliminating all of the duplicate files. I just have one left. Once that one's eliminated my 0.3 is pretty much coming to a close. If I finish this final file up early this week, I'll probably take the remainder of my time to clean things up a bit.

Until I post next week...

Good luck to everyone else on their 0.3s.

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